Greetings and welcome to the Wolf Bard's Den, home of handmade chainmail jewelry and accessories, produced one ring at a time in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Now what, you might ask, is chainmail? If you guessed the sending of unsolicited email or snail mail that asks the recipient to forward copies to their friends, acquaintances or family, you'd be wrong (those are chain letters). To put it simply, chainmail - also called mail, maille, chainmaille, chain mail or mayle - is a material composed of metal (or in some cases plastic, rubber or other materials) rings woven into patterns called "weaves." Weaves commonly make up chains or sheets and these are further made into jewelry, armor or other items. Here at the Wolf Bard's Den, you'll find a wonderful assortment of pre-made items in the shop but if you wish to have a particular item custom made, feel free to ask!
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